The Access Druid

Prices - You only pay when our repair will have been successful


Help yourself
Our Access Repair Service
Access Memory Reporter
General Business Conditions



  US Dollar
Diagnosis free
standard service (max. 24 hours) 260.00 $ plus 2.60 $ per MB
express service (max. 8 hours) + 80 % surcharge


You only pay when our repair will have been successfull. We prefer PayPal for international payment



Examples for standard service:


file size of the damaged database

US Dollar

1 - 10 MB

262 - 286 $

11 - 50 MB

288 - 390 $

51 -100 MB

392 - 520 $

101 - 200 MB

522 - 780 $


The file size of blowing up files we charge the normal size.
(This is a prominent error. Symptoms: increasing in file size ten to thirty time to normal size)






Atroplan GmbH

Ueber den Beekhoefen 4

37079 Goettingen, Germany
Directoring manager: Thilo Immel





Phone:       +49 551 632804  Note: "+49" is in most countries "0049", calling from the USA it is "01149"

Fax:           +49 551 63660

Ask for:      Thilo Immel,  English and German speaking 
